Monday, April 22, 2013

Letting Go

Early this AM, I said bye to my oldest. My husband took her to the airport, weighed her suitcases and said fairwell to our baby. She is headed to Africa as I write this. Madagascar, to be exact. 19 years ago I was counting the weeks and hoping this second child I was carrying would live. This child is yours God. I gave her to you when I knew she was there, and trusted you had the best for me in store, and you did.

19 years ago, you were only 8 weeks old in utero, and we were living in Ft. Riley, Kansas. Max and Lady, were puppies, destroying my house. It seemed like right and left something was breaking in that quad house. The air conditioner flooding the house, the bathroom upstairs, the temperature always needing the windows open upstairs and freezing down stairs. It was an interesting place to live, you were one of the last children to live there. Destroyed after we moved out. Woofard Drive.....

Your first choice in life after high school was to go see Madagascar. So glad you got your choice, and your life takes a clearer direction to being a nurse. ( : or whatever you desire. You'll always be my daughter, and I am happy to call you His.

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