Saturday, September 29, 2012

ummm yeah so TIME FLIES

I am in shock, September 2012 is almost gone!!! I feel like August was torn from the calendar and thrown away, I WANT MY MONTH BACK!!! Ah well as I always say, Time Flies. It just seems to have flown a bit faster than normal.

My Karen left for Madagascar, Sarah started her Junior year, Jay began 8th grade, and Peter 5th..... Nathan I pulled from pre-school. With a new program and teachers I just can't see leaving him there. He also has started speech two times a week. Somewhat bogus, it the stuff he does with some of the preschool lessons I do with him. I'm not satisfied and am ready to stop wasting my time, energy, and money on that program.

Sarah is at Veritas once again being homeschooled....well I don't really say she is homeschooled, it's more like classes. Similar to a college setting.

Jay is attending Classical Conversations Challenge A, and his teacher is relaxed about things that in other Classical Conversations I felt were too intense. I am enjoying what I am seeing so far. He's on the soccer team. He also still attends writing workshop and other classes at the Trinity School, when he can on Monday. Now that soccer is almost over, we will focus a bit more on his creative stories. He's taking Christian Film and two hours of Bible Quizzing for co-op. He's also in Boy Scouts and Bible Quizzing is complicating his hiking schedule (ahem or his Dad's hiking schedule.)

Peter is back in the Foundations program for Classical Conversations. He attends classes on Monday and Wednesday with Trinity. His last year as a Cub Scout, he'll be a Boy Scout in 2013. He is doing well enough, but there is room for improvement.

Nathan is busy with speech. He goes two times a week. I pulled him out of preschool, and speech is just playing, I don't feel it is anything he couldn't get at home.

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