Thursday, May 31, 2012

Memories of a Tooth

UGH!!! My entire day and thoughts and ugh, one fall in the wrong direction, not really a fall, a lean, I didn't fall all the way, I caught myself, but OH NO!!! I did it, I fell on the case of my Mac Computer and crick, that sound that I haven't heard but a few times in my life...and immediately I knew, do not swallow there is tooth in your mouth and it is not attached. A slight chip and a bit of a fat lip, leaning down to see what show my daughter was watching. Oh little piece of tooth I so miss you in my mouth. How many years have I had you? My daughter at first was concerned and then when she saw how little was actually missing she left me, she left me mid sentence, "I had that tooth for thirty..." and she didn't want to know how many years, she didn't care, she was even annoyed. I have had that tooth for a long time, it's been a long journey for that tooth. I don't know when it came in but I remember that this tooth is one that had to be capped when I was 3 or 4. My parents (now remember this is back in the day before Mommy Forums, chat, computers.) Dating myself now, but they didn't know that you don't let a kid sleep with a bottle. (I was breastfed in the days when breastfeeding was not the in thing to do, so my Mom was ahead of her time.) I blame my baby brother for coming early, so somehow I ended up with a bottle and bed. This caused my two front teeth to rot. I swallowed on cap in the dentist office and my Dad was the one who brought me. Once capped my two front teeth were an eye catcher, or eye sore. Yes it was my baby tooth, but this tooth that I chipped was underneath it. Years later, I must of been about 7 or 8, I was at my Grandparents house chewing on a piece of candy and the cap came off. The tooth must of been lose and I lost it shortly after that. My Dad would do the old string and pull, but I wasn't too fond of this method of removing my teeth. Doing the Math, I'd say this tooth was 35 years old, but chipping it brought back some funky memories and seeing how my daughter didn't want to hear it, I thought maybe someone else would get a chuckle or a memory of a tooth. Not something I think about every day.

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