Friday, April 15, 2011

Baptist what's it all about anyways

Explain it to me....nope it just does't happen. The history of the Baptist Church (at least the one I attend) has taken a turn to the PURPOSE DRIVEN CHURCH. You don't hear much about the history of the church anymore. The pastor or head dude, was once Methodist so you throw that into the mix and it is a puzzlement.

I am on a search to find out.


I don't know guess it is being in my 40's and searching for who I am and where I am going. Mid life crisis, or is it just because I am at a certain church. Do I name it? Anyway, I am looking at denominations and what I am and what do I believe.

Moving is kinda a happening thing. Okay I'll say Baptist, I'll even say Independent baptist is the church I belong to. How did that happen? It's been a journey, but mostly because of moving, I ended up in this church. It's my husband's denomination but even he will say Baptist no longer exist. What does he mean by that? It seems on every corner more than I can count is a Baptist church.

So I found a woman who has been "Baptist" from the get go. YIKES man she said there are 27 different types of Baptist....Independent and Southern are the only two I know about so I guess I am looking at Baptist and roots, and where did they come from and what am I doing with them.

I guess I will be picking up this book, to know more about the history of Christianity. In the mean time I'll be looking at what an independent Baptist church is.